Sacred Scents
Drop In
Intention Oil: 10ml
Ingredients: Organic Jojoba Oil, Cypress, Bay Laurel, Lemon, Frankincense, Bergamot, Vetiver, Love
Directions: More meditation oil than perfume, an earthy balsamic base support uplifting citrus as notes of camphor open your lungs bringing you into your breath. Drop in is to be applied to the pulse points on the wrists and neck during your personal practice. Set intention and inhale deeply.
Description: Cypress assists in carrying us from the physical into the spiritual realm, Bay Laurel increases receptivity, clears the mind and offers protection during our journey. Lemon promotes clarity and purifies the thoughts, Frankincense follows requests and will protect you from that which you are not ready to confront. Bergamot amplifies energy, opening and bringing it into the heart collaborating with Vetiver to assist in uncovering that which is hidden deep within the heart.
Notice: Do not use if you are pregnant. None of these statements are supported by the FDA.